Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bridging the technological gaps

Narrator's post:

The Allies gained the upper hand in technology in several ways. Whereas Germany produced many models of weapons for the same purpose, such as for instance 150 models of motorcycles for military uses, the Allies limited production to one or a few, that were cheap and quick to be produced. This was particularly evident in the USSR, where production of tanks rested on a few but in particular on one main battle tank the T-34, which was mass produced and deployed in great numbers on the battlefield to overwhelm Germany, in accordance with Soviet tactical doctrine. To protect Allied bombers on the raids to Germany, the US developed newer fighters such as the P-51 Mustangs that boasted superior firepower and was able to travel the long range together with the bombers and engage Luffwaffe fighters over Germany. In addition, the UK and the US developed radar and sonar to detect German aircraft and U-Boats as they approached, and so guide RAF fighters or naval destroyers to defend accordingly. Such technological developments were crucial to the Allies gaining the overall advantage in this technological area and therefore, instrumental in them emerging victorious in the Battle of Britain and in the Atlantic amongst the other theaters of war.

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